This Little Known Story Was The Best Dash Of Optimism In 2017

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2017 was a year of upsanddowns, quite unlike any other…

Amidst the anti-Trump onslaught and seemingly constant stream of bad news, a gem laid ignored in the rough of the year’s passing news cycle…

Enter 11-year-old Hilde Lysiak, the youngest member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).  

11-year-old Hilde Lysiak.

In 2014, Lysiak founded the Orange Street News with the help of her father, Matthew. Hilde made national news in 2016 after she broke a hometown homicide story in her newspaper.

In November, Hilde was interviewed by the SPJ and talked about her experiences and goals.

The SPJ interview showcases a well-needed dash of optimism for both the new year and future generations of children. Hilde details she’s been working at her paper, the Orange Street News since she was 7 and has slowly branched out from covering stories around her house to covering stories within her local community on her bicycle.

When asked about her goals, Lysiak detailed:

I want to be able to cover more crime stories… There have been leads I haven’t been able to follow because of my age. I’m excited for the day when I don’t have to ask my parents for permission to go places. I also want to do a jailhouse interview one day.

Lysiak has an incredible amount of moxie and determination; a jailhouse interview would be no small feat – the fact alone that it registers as an idea on her “to-do” list is a true testament to the journalistic blood that runs through Lysiak.

When asked to offer any advice for current journalists, Hilde says reporters should “always do whatever it takes to stay focused on getting to the truth. Don’t pay any attention to the haters. They just zap your energy.

When asked “what’s next”, Lysiak gave indispensable advice for the new year ahead:

…I want to keep getting better at reporting. I want to keep growing.

Yes, a simple and bold-faced guideline to hold yourself accountable to in 2018: keep growing and pushing forward.

Through her vibrant and enthusiastic optimism for journalism and the future, Hilde Lysiak’s passionate knack of covering the news makes for the best story of the past year. 

Happy new year from the folks at FMShooter; may 2018 have countless blessings and good fortune for all!