Chris Cuomo’s “Nonpartisan” CNN Show Flops In Ratings Race – Coming In DEAD LAST
Last week, CNN debuted Cuomo Prime Time – a show hosted by Fake News flunky and network “superstar”, Chris Cuomo. Despite the show being labeled as nonpartisan – it’s, of course, anything but.
CNN head, Jeff Zucker said of Cuomo’s new show and their competitors:
One of them has already convicted Donald Trump and one of them has already exonerated Donald Trump. We are looking for the truth.
Although the new show was heavily promoted and advertised, it still finished behind MSNBC programming in its first week. Compared to the same week last year, CNN’s viewership is down by 9%. By the end of Cuomo Prime Time’s first week, 23% of viewers who tuned in for the show’s premiere on Monday had already tuned out by Friday.
Numbers don’t lie – in its premiere week, Cuomo Prime Time averaged 1.1 million viewers while MSNBC’s Maddow averaged 2.6 million and Fox News’ Hannity averaged 3.2 million.
As Fox News details, Cuomo’s new show didn’t exactly draw in the younger crowd. In the demographic of adults aged 25-54, Cuomo averaged 377,000 viewers in his first week – whilst Maddow averaged 519,000 demographic viewers comparatively.
Cuomo told the Associated Press:
The independent thinker, the open-minded person doesn’t have anywhere to go. So we are building a home for them.
The irony of CNN and Chris Cuomo to suggest that they’re attempting to build a prime-time show that’s “nonpartisan” and “independent” should not be lost on anyone. Cuomo, known for his anti-Trump nature and chaotic, messy outbursts – isn’t exactly the anchor that should be hosting an “open-minded” show, seeing as how his political positions have been revealed time and time again.
Case in point…
.@ChrisCuomo: “President Trump’s attack on the AT&T-Time Warner merger was never about keeping power from the few. It was about reinforcing the power of one. President Donald J. Trump"
What happened here was wrong on the facts and rotten in its inception.
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) June 13, 2018
On last night’s show, Cuomo aired a totally nonpartisan idea: that the AT&T/Time Warner merger is needed because the alternative, an antitrust, would “reinforce the power of one” – President Trump. Of course, Cuomo makes sure to omit the fact that CNN is owned by Time Warner in his “independent” report – as well as the fact that an AT&T/Time Warner merger would grant far more power and reach to his prime-time programming.
It’s even more of an affront to consider that Chris Cuomo – a left-leaning Democrat, the party supposedly against big business – is all for a massive business merger opposed by President Trump. It seems as if Cuomo is absent of any platform or real issues to rally his viewers on – instead simply deciding to go against anything and everything Trump is for.
Heading into this year’s midterm elections, that’s a dangerous stance to take. A repeat of 2016 could be on tap, but this time, with Cuomo leading a prime-time program in which anti-Trump media is forced to self-reflect on where it all went wrong.
On Monday, Cuomo knocked the President for daring to tweet from Singapore ahead of the historic summit between the U.S. and North Korea, saying:
I can’t believe he’s tweeting from Singapore… He’s distracted at a time he needs to be focused.
Is that why he’s President of the United States and accomplished something never before done in the history of U.S. politics – a face-to-face meeting with North Korea? It would be beneficial for Cuomo to remember where he’s at, hosting a prime-time show on a failing network that came dead last in ratings and was even beat by re-runs of cartoons last year.
Cuomo is the one that needs to focus and let go of distractions – if he wants a shot at getting CNN’s ratings out of the toilet. Since it is unlikely that Cuomo or CNN will deliver the “nonpartisan” and “independent” news they advertise, a continuation of CNN’s downward spiral is all but certain.