FBI – With Robert Mueller As Head – Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Benefiting Obama, the Clintons As Early As 2009
According to government documents and interviews, before approving the controversial Uranium One deal with Russia, the Obama administration participated in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering with Russian officials – all with the aim to expand Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the U.S.
This, and more, comes from a bombshell report from The Hill that details the corruption via eyewitness accounts and internal documents. As early as 2009, emails showed that Moscow compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks – which is in direct violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices act.
Eyewitness account, also backed by documents, indicated Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. for former President Bill Clinton’s foundation during the time Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State.
Notably, while Bill Clinton was routed millions from Russia, Secretary of State Clinton served on a government body that provided favorable decision to Moscow – a clear conflict of interest. In an affidavit years after the scheme, an FBI agent claimed the racketeering was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia “who shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks.
However, instead of bringing charges immediately after the scandal broke in 2010, Obama’s Department of Justice continued to investigate the matter for four years, enacting and performing a cover-up of massive proportions. On top of that, per The Hill, The DOJ:
…left the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.
The Uranium One deal was, of course, just one of those two decisions made to benefit Putin – giving control of more than 20 percent of American’s total uranium supply to Russian nuclear giant Rosatom. Trump, on the campaign trail last year, hit Hillary Clinton for being involved with the deal; however, her spokesman claimed Clinton wasn’t involved in the committee review and the State Department official who handled the transaction said Clinton “never intervened … on any [Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States] matter.”
The second decision made by the Obama admin that favorably benefited Putin was another deal for Rosatom:
In 2011, the administration gave approval for Rosatom’s Tenex subsidiary to sell commercial uranium to U.S. nuclear power plants in a partnership with the United States Enrichment Corp. Before then, Tenex had been limited to selling U.S. nuclear power plants reprocessed uranium…
Documents from the FBI, Energy Department, and U.S. courts show the FBI had gathered evidence long before any of the wrongdoing – extortion, bribery, kickbacks – started in 2009. Eric Holder, infamous Obama-era Attorney General, was among the administration officials who joined Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment at the time the Uranium One deal was approved.
A key player in this scheme of corruption was Vadim Mikerin – the main Russian overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion. Mikerin was a director of Rosatom’s Tenex since the 2000’s. The Hill reports:
Between 2009 and January 2012, Mikerin “did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire confederate and agree with other persons … to obstruct, delay and affect commerce and the movement of an article and commodity (enriched uranium) in commerce by extortion,” a November 2014 indictment stated.
His illegal conduct was captured with the help of a confidential witness, an American businessman, who began making kickback payments at Mikerin’s direction and with the permission of the FBI. The first kickback payment recorded by the FBI through its informant was dated Nov. 27, 2009, the records show.
According to affidavits from 2014 and 2015, an Energy Department agent who was assisting the FBI testified that Mikerin supervised a “racketeering scheme” that saw extortion, bribery, kickbacks, and money laundering. Mikerin’s illicit proceeds were then shared with other co-conspirators associated with Tenex.
Mikerin, among others, was arrested and charged in 2014. By 2015, the scheme of corruption had successfully been subverted and hidden:
…the criminal cases against Mikerin had been narrowed to a single charge of money laundering for a scheme that officials admitted stretched from 2004 to 2014. And though agents had evidence of criminal wrongdoing they collected since at least 2009, federal prosecutors only cited in the plea agreement a handful of transactions that occurred in 2011 and 2012, well after the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States’s approval.
The final court case eschewed any mention of high-level U.S. involvement; no mention of the eyewitness reports from an undercover FBI agent of the Russian nuclear officials trying to win over the Clintons as Russia contributed money to Bill Clinton’s foundation. In other words, the true scope of the corruption scheme was covered up and hidden; even major congressional figures were clueless to it.
Former Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) claimed that he had never been told anything about the Russian nuclear corruption scheme, but noted that he and many fellow lawmakers had serious concerns with the Obama admin’s approval of the Uranium One deal.
The real kicker to all of this?
From 2001 to 2013, Robert Mueller – yes, the same Mueller appointed to Special Counsel on investigating Russian collusion with Trump – was the head of the FBI. To contemplate the true implications of these new developments is huge. With these bombshell reports of racketeering and corruption coming from internal government documents, Mueller knows (and has known) where the real instances of Russian collusion are. Obama and his admin, along with Hillary Clinton, were complicit in treason, aiding and abetting Russian officials in kickbacks while being extorted themselves; profiting greatly off of selling out the American public.
The implications cannot be waved away by simply claiming there was no intent to break the law because there was more than intent – there was action; actions stretched out over a decade of illicit and illegal activity. The Obama administration approved deals that benefited Russia, all the while taking bribes and being extorted. Secretary of State Clinton served with the Obama administration as the deals were approved and millions were funneled into her husband’s foundation.
In an unreal sense, Democrats (Clinton and Obama included) accused Trump of Russian meddling and collusion when real and proven collusion had already been documented being perpetrated by them. Plainly, Mueller was put into place to grandstand and further obstruct truth and justice – what will he do now that the ugly reality has come to light? The fact that he is nothing more than a Democratic lapdog is painfully obvious and anything he says to refute that fact cannot take it away.
The mainstream media, with their bogus and untrue reporting of Trump’s ties with Russia, are just as complicit as Mueller is with the Democrats. Obama and Hillary, seemingly the two masterminds behind the operation, profited off of lucrative and illegal practices with Russia and then turned around and accused Trump of what they already did. For over a year, baseless and untrue accusations of Russian collusion and meddling plagued President Trump; with little he could do to curb or stop it.
There is now a clear answer to end the corruption and hypocritical double-standards of the Democrats…
We must allow the President patience and time to build an air-tight, ironclad case against the treasonous Obama administration – not only for profiting off of the backs of the American public but also for willfully enacting a cover-up so large these stunning developments didn’t come out until nearly a decade after the fact. We elected President Trump to bring real change and integrity to our nation’s capital during a time where there are zero ethics or accountability in the White House. Bluntly, if prosecution is not being accomplished due to someone in Trump’s admininstration holding up the process – that someone must be kicked to the curb and replaced with someone willing to get the job done.
I am more than willing to be patient and wait, I understand the legal system is not fast-moving and investigations take time; the question that nags in the back of my mind is how much more will the corrupt, unethical, grievous band of traitors that were the Obama admin be allowed to get away with? To serve and represent the public as an elected official means nothing anymore – Obama’s net worth is around $40 million. Bill and Hillary Clinton share a $10.5 million net worth. Amassing millions – which are now being exposed as illicitly gained – is not a good indicator you truly served the people who elected you to office, only yourself and your greed.
I hope, sooner or later, justice returns to America… after all, I can never pass up mentioning this:
Ticking off campaign promise after campaign promise, President Trump will hopefully get around to keeping his word on this epic comeback he made at the second debate.