George W. Bush Hurls Establishment “Doublespeak” At Trump

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As the establishment reels under the weight of its own collapse, more icons of the old guard take the spotlight to denounce nationalism.

America’s 43rd President George W. Bush delivered Thursday morning what many are calling a “savage takedown of Trump.” I’ll explain why George Bush’s message was successful, but not as an anti-Trump tirade. (full transcript here)

“Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication,” former President Bush declared, in his address at the eponymous George W. Bush institute.

“We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism.” Bush said. “We have seen insolvency, economic stagnation, youth unemployment, anger about immigration, resurgent ethno-nationalism, and deep questions about the meaning and durability of the European Union.”

Bush seems to address Trump’s media-made perception of intolerant and nativistic jingoism. What else could he be referring to one could reasonably ask. It must be Trump!

Too often our American establishment media paints Trump with the broad brush of bigotry, with blinders to any other shade or flavor which bigotry entails. However, Bush’s anti-bigotry speech either misses Trump’s message entirely — or Bush is referencing a wider type of bigotry.

Here’s an example of George W. Bush’s confused mixed-messaging:

Bigotry in any form is blasphemy against the American creed and it means the very identity of our nation depends on the passing of civic ideals to the next generation. We need a renewed emphasis on civic learning in schools,” Bush said.

Perhaps that civic education can begin now. In September 2016 the 45th President of the United States made the statement, “Americanism not globalism will be our credo!”



So one asks, is Trump blaspheming against the American creed? Or is he favoring Americanism over globalism in the civic sense? I argue civic, and this is made clear because Trump says “Americanism” and not “ethno-nationalism” over and over. Curiously, no matter how often Trump says it, his critics seem to hear a dog whistle of ethno-nationalist sentiment.

Does Bush really lack sympathy for Trump’s media onslaught? — Especially after he suffered his own onslaught of racial attacks following Kanye West’s notorious Hurricane Katrina barb, declaring “Bush doesn’t care about black people!”

Here again Trump delivers an obvious rebuttal of George Bush’s scarecrow. “Through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.” Trump said during his record setting inaugural speech. “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”

Again, I’m left wondering, where is the meat of Bush’s message? Why does Bush feel emboldened to decry rising bigotry and blasphemy against the American creed? Did he watch coverage of Puerto Rico’s hurricane devastation and believe the same Kanye-esque media narrative levied against Trump in San Juan?

It doesn’t appear that Bush is appealing to patriotism at all. He’s pushing the same failed narrative about Globalism while praying his audience is as stupid as when the 2nd Iraq invasion began.

Here is the moment where George W. Bush’s motives glimmer through his false pretense:

“People are hurting. They’re angry and they’re frustrated. We must help them,” he said. “But we cannot wish globalization away, any more than we could wish away the Agricultural Revolution or the Industrial Revolution.”

Which kind of globalization is so inevitable in Bush’s eyes? Is it the type where a global community can give input into a presidential election? Like, with bot accounts on Twitter? Is it a type of globalization that encourages illegal immigration because legal immigration is not enough? Why should corporations have global free speech but not Russian bots? And what of British and Canadian bots which spread anti-Trump pro-Hillary propaganda? Which of these sentiments does Bush espouse?

None of the above.

This isn’t about allegiance to the American creed at all, it’s about allegiance to the ‘New World Order’ Bush Sr. set into motion. Just as Iraq’s second war was a “finish what daddy started” farce enabled by a complicit and fear mongering press.

Please remember that Saddam Hussein never had WMDs, it was all a lie. In typical Bush-Clinton doublespeak, what’s really being said amounts to we can’t change course, we have no plan B, so we’ll rebrand our failing globalist scheme as the ‘American Creed 2.0’.

The doublespeak continues throughout George W. Bush’s address:

“We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade – forgetting that conflict, instability, and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism.”

Are we really moving toward protectionism? Is bilateral trade really so different from multilateralism? Was leaving the TPP a nail in the coffin for future one-on-one trade deals with individual nations? No, of course not.

Protectionism is not the issue here. Expecting mutual benefits from international deals is not protectionism. It’s dignified behavior befitting a global super power. America has simply stopped throwing babies out with bathwater anytime an international treatise is invented. We want to place ourselves first in our dealings. We encourage any involved parties to place themselves first as well. Mutual numero unos makes for great bilateral negotiations.

And as a result, the American economy keeps growing, unemployment is decreasing, and poverty-addled welfare requests are decreasing. Good!

“We have seen the return of isolationist sentiments – forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places, where threats such as terrorism.”

Didn’t Trump just approve a massive arms deal to the Saudis? Didn’t US allied forces just liberate Raqqa from ISIS? What dangerous far flung corner of the world has Trump not yet addressed? Surely Bush means we should build a wall to prevent our neighboring narco-terrorism from flooding deeper into our heartland? Perhaps Trump seems unusual to Bush because Trump is willing to address real world threats. Not just those the CIA invents for him.

“In all these ways, we need to recall and recover our own identity. Americans have a great advantage: To renew our country, we only need to remember our values.”

I think Bush would re-write the pledge of allegiance:

“I pledge allegiance, to the Globe, of the United Nations utopia, and to the dumb public, on which it stands, one party, indivisible, with poverty and surveillance for all.”

Bush, Probably, Maybe

For all his irrelevant musings, there is one quote from Bush’s speech that engenders resounding populist agreement:

“Freedom is not merely a political menu option, or a foreign policy fad; it should be the defining commitment of our country, and the hope of the world.”

And it is my hope — after decades of corrupt single part rule — that my children, and my neighbors children, can escape this dystopian establishment and experience true American freedom.