In Britain, One Convicted Terrorist Is Released Onto The Streets Weekly – With Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary Set To Be Freed Next Month

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Anjem Choudary.

A bombshell report from the Sunday Telegraph details that between March 2017 and March 2018, 46 convicts jailed for terror offenses were released from prison in Britain.

Notably, next month sees the release of convicted hate preacher and ISIS recruiter Anjem Choudary. Despite the prison minister, Rory Stewart, calling Choudary “genuinely dangerous”, Choudary is still slated to be freed.

At the time of being imprisoned in 2016, Choudary was linked to 15 terror plots dating back 20 years and had connections to hundreds of British jihadists. David Videcette, a former detective with the anti-terror squad who investigated the July 7th suicide attacks on London in 2005 said, “every plot I ever researched – someone in it was linked to Choudary”.

Here are a few quotes from Anjem Choudary, who will be released back out onto the streets in October:

When Sharia law is implemented, maybe in 10 or 15 years’ time, she [the Queen] would be expected like all women in Britain to be covered from head to toe, only revealing her face and hands.

By 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim country. It will be the end of freedom of democracy and submission to God.

Next time when your child is at school and the teacher says, ‘What do you want when you grow up? What is your ambition?’ they should say, ‘To dominate the whole world by Islam, including Britain – that is my ambition’.

Choudary served less than half of his nearly six year prison sentence, apparently because evidence obtained against him was “only sufficient for a short sentence”. Last year, the British government also revealed that there were 23,000 people on the terror watch list – not 3,000 as previously suggested.

Such a clear and present danger to the public, with malice and hate in his heart, willing to kill and spill blood to achieve his ultimate goal for a Muslim-majority, Sharia-ruled Britain. Truly, Choudary is an upstanding and respectable individual sure to assimilate and enjoy the traditional culture of a storied place like England… 

As the months pass by, it’s becoming exceedingly clear that the British government is willfully ignoring the massive crisis unfurling before their very eyes.

The youth of their once great countries are being systematically groomed and sexually abused by Islamic migrants – with rape gangs operating in the shadows of small towns and villages. Once their heinous crimes do come to light, they’re shoved back under the rug with no intervention from authorities. In that same vein, authorities in England continually fail the public, not only by ignoring Muslim grooming gangs, but also with an abhorrent 90% of crime going uncharged

Prior figures estimated that 40% of terrorism-related offenders would be released by 2019 but with a convicted terrorist released weekly, that estimate will happen far sooner than 2019. Citizens are quickly understanding that change – and their own protection and safety – will only be achieved by their own actions, and so, the fire continues to rise.