Irish Government Ignores Local Natives – Signs Deal To Ship 115 Migrants To A Village of Just 300

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At the beginning of the month, Breitbart London published an exposé that revealed plans for a small village in Ireland to take in a score of migrants.

Lisdoonvarna, with a population of just 300, was expected to take in 115 migrants. Although a secret ballot was held and 197 locals voted against the plan, the Irish government said there can be “no delay” in the beginning of the transfer.

Notably, were Lisdoonvarna to take in 115 migrants, it would see a 38% increase in its population.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart, a resident of Lisdoonvarna, Michael Walsh, had much to say…

…[The asylum seekers] are starting to come in this week. The hotelier who had publicly said ‘if the people of Lisdoonvarna don’t want this I won’t sign the contract’ has signed the contract. He’s now weaselled back on it.

Although 93% of Lisdoonvarna residents voted against the plans to take in migrants, they are being ignored. The hotelier referenced by Walsh – who is in charge of the tourism of the village – said that if the deal was unpopular, it wouldn’t happen… but contracts have already been signed, making the 115-migrant plan a reality for the small village.

“It was all done in complete secrecy. No one knew about this until two weeks ago!” Walsh said.

To top it off, it’s also been exposed that the Irish government paid journalists to write good stories in the press about Project Ireland 2040 – a plan to expland Ireland’s 4.7 million population by another one million using mass migration. The Irish government’s strategic communications unit paid for puffed-up news pieces to appear in national and local newspapers in which Ireland 2040 was only discussed in a positive manner. According to The Times, the news articles “could not include negative or critical content”.

One million migrants in Ireland and 115 in Lisdoonvarna’s tiny village. A stunning report from The Irish Sun really shows what’s at stake for the native Irish:

…two leading members of the crew threatened and robbed a taxi man using an imitation firearm in the Clonee area, getting away with a smartphone and a small sum of cash, leading to drivers boycotting the area in fear for their lives…

…It ranges from shouting and intimidating old people in large groups to assaulting and robbing people of all ages, often with deadly weapons such as large knives…

…Innocent kids are afraid to go out and play. [Police] had to respond to one incident in Swords where a 14 year-old boy was stripped down to his pants at knife point on the street just so they could rob him and ridicule him at the same time, that’s what you’re dealing with here…

It’s no secret that shipping migrants into a Westernized society is a recipe for disaster. Soon, a historic Irish village will become culturally enriched – with no say from the natives who have made their home in Lisdoonvarna. With the chaos and ire being created throughout Europe by the refugee crisis, there’s question as to why the government and local officials would want to ship an influx of migrants into the Irish community.

Finding the answer is likely as simple as following the money.  As Michael Walsh speculates, the hotelier he referenced stands to make between one and two million euros from the government in just one year after reneging on his promise to the town’s natives.

While forced migration may be profitable for some, Lisdoonvarna residents should not expect to receive any “windfall” profits from the hotelier in question.