Mainstream Media Is Deliberately Misleading Viewers On The True Natalia Veselnitskaya

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Last week, Free Market Shooter exposed Natalia Veselnitskaya as an anti-Trump, anti-Putin lawyer with deep ties to the Democratic party.  In fact, despite her visa restrictions, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s DoJ granted her release under “extraordinary circumstances” to the US:

The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

Instead of looking at Veselnitskaya and her overt connections to the Democratic party, the mainstream media has instead been focused on disproving realities about the lawyer’s true motives and allegiances.  Just one day after Free Market Shooter posted our story, CNN ran a story deliberately trying to discredit sites like Free Market Shooter which brought Veselnitskaya’s past into the limelight:

“All that right-wing media needs to do is just throw out some things that appear to be substantive that have some stray facts that the cult will hang on to, and the cult will do everything else themselves,” John Ziegler, a conservative media columnist and former talk radio host, told CNN. “They don’t need a full theory. No one ever provides a narrative that explains all this. It’s just poking holes and pretending the whole story is fake news. It’s a classic trick really. It’s a shame that’s what the right-wing media has been reduced to.”

CNN pointed out how President Trump pointed out that Veselnitskaya was in the country because of Lynch’s DoJ…

“Now the lawyer that went to the meeting, I see that she was in the halls of Congress,” Trump said. “Somebody said that her visa or her passport to come into the country was approved by Attorney General Lynch. Now maybe that’s wrong. I just heard that a little while ago, but I was a little surprised to hear that. So she was there because of Lynch.”

Following Trump’s comments, a spokesperson for Lynch said in a statement provided to CNN that the former attorney general had “no personal knowledge” of the Russian lawyer’s travel. The spokesperson explained that the “State Department issues visas, and the Department of Homeland Security oversees entry to the United States at airports.”

…and they automatically took Lynch at her word, in spite of her lengthy history of lies and obfuscations.  It makes it difficult to believe that Lynch or someone else in the Obama administration didn’t have a personal role in getting Veselnitskaya into the country, as she went far beyond her “limited purpose” of entry, which was only to help her client Denis Katsyv.  Surely, that “limited purpose” didn’t include a worthless meeting with Donald Trump Jr., and a front-row seat to Obama’s Russian Ambassador’s testimony… or so CNN would have you believe.

Business Insider was far worse, going so far as to insinuate that Veselnitskaya was a stooge of Putin…

Veselnitskaya is said to be a strong supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin and she is also known for waging a harsh campaign against the 2012 Magnitsky Act, which blacklisted Russians suspected of human-rights abuse. Putin, who cut off a program allowing Americans to adopt Russian children in retaliation for the Magnitsky Act, previously called the law “outrageous.”

…when she was far more closely connected with Fusion GPS, which sourced the discredited “Pissgate” dossier:

What’s particularly interesting is that Fusion GPS is now known to be the source behind the totally false “Pissgate” dossier compiled by former British MI6 agent, Christopher Steele… so here, we have a solid link between Veselnitskaya’s prominent connections and Fusion GPS.

Nowhere did Business Insider nor CNN mention Veselnitskaya’s connections to Prevezon, Fusion GPS, former Democratic Representative and “proud socialist” Ron Dellums.  And, they only mentioned Veselnitskaya’s means for entry into the US – Loretta Lynch’s DoJ – for the sole purpose of discrediting the obvious connections between the two.

The anti-Trump mainstream media is instead deflecting from the truth that Veselnitskaya was more than likely the source that Lynch’s DoJ used to justify FISA warrants to conduct surveillance on President Trump’s campaign.  James Brower and ZeroPointNow illustrated why this is so crucial:

The meeting was arranged by another Fusion GPS associate, Rob Goldstone – in what is looking more and more like a deep-state setup to justify FISA wiretapping warrants. Of note, Veselnitskaya is publicly anti-Trump.

If Brower’s tweet is proven correct and Paul Manafort’s phone was being tapped during the meeting – it means Loretta Lynch’s surveillance of Manafort, an American, was done without a FISA warrant – as the first FISA request by the Obama administration came in July, the same month as the meeting in Trump Tower.

This also calls into question the June 27th, 2016 “tarmac” meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton, which would have come after the meeting at Trump Tower. Was Lynch reporting the results of the alleged surveillence to Clinton?

Not to worry, mainstream media has went to its tried-and-true playbook – deflecting from the truth by criticizing their opposition.  Mainstream media wants you to believe that Veselnitskaya has no connections to the Democratic party, and that her meeting with Trump Jr. wasn’t the entire grounds the Obama administration used to conduct surveillance of President Trump’s election campaign.

Nothing to see here folks… move along.