Obvious Hoax Unravels – Jussie Smollett Facing Heat For Allegedly Staged “MAGA” Attack

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Last month, “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett was allegedly assaulted in the early morning hours of January 29 in Chicago. According to Smollett, he was attacked by two men who were “yelling out racial and homophobic slurs” and doused him in an “unknown chemical substance”.

Smollett also claims that one of his attackers told him “this is MAGA country” before punching him in the face. After falling to the ground in a tussle with his first attacker, a second man began kicking him in the back. They suddenly fled when Smollett noticed that a rope had been wrapped around his neck.

Smollett also refused to hand his phone over to authorities to help the investigation, claiming:

I have private pictures and videos and numbers. My partners number, my family’s number, my castmates number, my friends’ numbers, my private emails, my private songs, my private voice memos, I don’t know what that’s gonna be to hand over my phone.

Smollett did provide phone records to the Chicago Police Department but authorities said the records were “limited and heavily redacted”.

Since the story broke, FMShooter has extensively covered the ups-and-downs of the saga. As time went on, it became apparent that Smollett’s account wasn’t stacking up.

Smollett’s story shifted and changed time and time again, with too many illogical fallacies and knots popping up to be seen as 100% truthful. 

As reported by FMShooter, bleach (which Smollett was doused in) is used often in African-American communities as a punishment for infidelity. We initially assumed Smollett was attacked following alleged infidelity at a Chicago gay nightclub…

…and while we expected Chicago police to use Smollett’s phone records to verify his story, we didn’t think that they would use this information to attempt to catch Smollett in a lie…

…and we also didn’t think Smollett would be foolish enough to fake the attack itself, especially given the locale it allegedly occurred in.  

He was allegedly not being written off of “Empire” – so with the story still unfolding, anything is possible. Indeed, our original story could end up being the truth, with Smollett being beaten for his gay club attendance, with him choosing to make it about Trump supporters after the fact.

In a stunning thread, Twitter user @Cameron_Gray compiled many prominent figures condemning Smollett’s supposed assault.  As usual, both politicians and the left counted their chickens before they hatched…

Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Mike Quigley, and Rashida Tlaib all stoked the racial divides of the country and some (along with countless mainstream media sources) even blamed the right-wing and Trump for the attack.

Even worse, Chicago congressman Bobby Rush attempted to call out Cameron Gray for putting all the politicians, celebrities and big name personalities on blast…

…and was so foolish and ignorant that he didn’t even have a staffer, Chicago police source, or anyone for that matter explain to him that the story was a complete hoax before attacking Gray for his work.  

Now that it’s seemingly falling apart as a hoax, will they apologize to conservatives and the President for unduly criticizing and attacking them? Highly doubtful.

However, you can bet with Smollett’s story falling apart and his MAGA assault looking to be a total hoax that the mainstream media will report nary a peep on the developments, enacting a media blackout to save face and their already ruined reputations.