After Politicizing Trump’s Successful Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts, CNN Begins ACTUAL Misinformation Campaign
On September 30, after Hurricane Maria battered Puerto Rico and killed at least 34, CNN – among other mainstream media outlets – started a disinformation campaign against President Trump’s response to the disaster.
To begin with, CNN’s headline is an outright lie. After being blasted by the mayor of Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz; Trump took to Twitter to defend his administration’s aid relief and respond to her accusations of blame. However, on September 28, CNN reported that Puerto Rico aid was trapped in thousands of shipping containers in San Juan’s port:
A mountain of food, water and other vital supplies has arrived in Puerto Rico’s main Port of San Juan. But a shortage of truckers and the island’s devastated infrastructure are making it tough to move aid to where it’s needed most, officials say. At least 10,000 containers of supplies — including food, water and medicine — were sitting Thursday at the San Juan port.
U.S.-shipped aid and supplies were stranded at the port due to lack of truck drivers and the inability to traverse the devastated infrastructure of the hurricane-pummeled island and it’s somehow Trump’s fault? Mayor Cruz even went so far as to accuse Trump of genocide from his supposed negligent aid and relief efforts… but Puerto Rico Governer, Ricardo Rosselló told a different story:
We need to do a lot more in order for us to get out of the emergency. But the other thing that’s also true is that the administration has answered and has complied with our petitions in an expedited manner.
The Trump administration “has answered and complied” with Puerto Rico’s pleas for help “in an expedited manner”? In fact, during Mayor Cruz’s press conference in which she criticized Trump’s outreach, she was standing in front of pallets of stranded aid!
The reality of the situation is that Puerto Rico declared bankruptcy in May of this year. Before Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico was already in a poor state – food shortages, poor healthcare, and lack of infrastructure; no matter how vehemently CNN wants the public to believe the tragedy and destruction is all Trump’s fault, it simply isn’t the case.
Cruz is politicizing the suffering and plight of real people – sadly, her behavior is standard from the left and Democrats…
Elizabeth Warren – a loony and ardent anti-Trumper – couldn’t help but weigh in on the issue as well:
What does Warren want? Puerto Rico dropped the ball in their ability to distribute supplies; not to the fault of President Trump who expedited the aid and relief ahead of the hurricane. September 18, well before the hurricane, an article from UPI reported:
FEMA sent a ship with more than 1 million gallons of water and 111 generators to Puerto Rico, and emergency officials set up 450 shelters, Rosselló said.
I ask again: what more does Warren want? Implacable, uncompromising Democrats will never be impressed by President Trump’s actions because they vehemently oppose him in every aspect – no respect or partisanship involved.
Trump was faced with three monster hurricanes – Harvey devastating Houston, Irma ripping across Florida, and Maria making landfall on Puerto Rico. In all three cases, he and his admin performed stellar aid relief for the displaced communities. It is utterly disgusting the disinformation CNN and other mainstream media outlets pushed considering the actual successes of Trump’s relief outreach.
Somehow, CNN – even after their recent and shameless controversies – has still gone on to hit a new, despairing low with their business model prioritizing the broadcasting of misinformation in lieu of actual reporting.