Vicious Machete Attack In Birmingham, U.K. Shows The Migrant Crisis Going Unchecked Across Europe
Last week, in Birmingham, England, a startling and graphic machete attack was captured on film as a horrified resident recorded the footage from the window of a nearby home.
A large gang of men can be seen chasing after their victim, knocking him to the ground and brutally attacking him with kicks and stomps. Two of the attackers can be seen wielding three-and-a-half foot long machetes and can be seen repeatedly using them to strike their victim on his body and head as he lays defenseless on the ground.
Among vicious kicks on the victim’s head and ribs, other members of the gang used hammers to beat him.
Two citizens bravely intervened to confront the attackers who then flee, sprinting down the road. Neighbors and onlookers called emergency services and police officers chased the gang on foot to a nearby street.
Earlier this week, Cressida Dick – commissioner of London’s Metropolitan Police – said U.K. authorities are “hamstrung” by outdated technology and that it’s only helped the “bad guys” race ahead.
Notably, U.K. Home Secretary Sajid Javid told the Metropolitan Police force to “step up” its response to knife crimes after five murders transpired in just one week.
Facing budget cuts and a short-staffed police force, one must wonder exactly how Javid expects the Metropolitan Police to “step up” their response to any sort of crime now overwhelming U.K. streets.
The number of murders in the United Kingdom has gone up by 14% as robberies and knife crimes continue to skyrocket.
Knife crimes in Birmingham alone is at its highest in nearly a decade – up 19% since 2017. For Javid to place the blame on U.K. authorities is not only irresponsible – it’s insulting.
Plainly, the migrant crisis long encompassing the U.K. and Europe has gone out of the control of the political elite and citizens alike – with only ordinary citizens bearing any of the true dangers of refugees entering their countries, with graphic gang violence now spilling out onto their streets and crime rates skyrocketing.
Things are reaching a fever-pitch across Europe, as the extreme dangers of refugees incompatible with Westernized societies showcase crime, murder, and chaos – with scores more unvetted migrants continuing to invade across the borders. Many across Europe have woken up to the true reality facing their continent, but it’s far too late for any meaningful change to be enacted, with crime, rape gangs and murders at an all-time high.
Indeed, with such a surplus of crime and danger facing Europeans, police forces across the land will soon become wholly irrelevant – unable to protect and serve tax-paying citizens.