Imran Awan’s Judicial “Request” Shows He’s Still Trying To Flee To Pakistan

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On Friday, Imran Awan was formally arraigned in federal court on four felony fraud charges.  As The Daily Caller notes, Awan was accompanied by Chris Gowen, who The Daily Signal has already exposed for his lengthy connections to the Clinton family:

His official bio on the firm’s website notes that he “left the Public Defender’s office to work for former President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton. Chris was a fact checker for President Clinton’s memoir, ‘My Life.’”

“He also served as a traveling aid for President Clinton’s national and international trips. Chris finished his tenure with the Clintons by directing the advance operations for then-Senator Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.”

For a family that claims to be in dire straits financially (in spite of their high-paying salaries they earned working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz), they seem to have more than enough money to pay Gowen, who almost certainly has a very high price tag to retain his legal services.  However, as The Daily Caller elaborated, Gowen is pulling out every trick in the book to attempt to facilitate Awan’s flight to Pakistan:

Gowen asked that Imran Awan’s GPS monitoring bracelet be removed, citing that Imran might need to attend to an emergency with his children. In a press conference outside court, Gowen admitted that the children are in Pakistan and refused to explain the discrepancy.

“His ability to parent, which may well be single parenting, if there is an emergency…” Gowen said.

So Gowen, without directly admitting it to the court, has all but admitted he is trying to help Awan flee to Pakistan.  After all, that’s where Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi, and his three children currently reside, in spite of the fact that Alwi has been indicted alongside Awan.

Take note; when Alwi fled to Pakistan in March, she booked a return flight to the US approximately six months later.  When Awan booked his flight to Pakistan in his hasty attempt to escape the authorities, he booked his return date for… January 2018, approximately six months later.  Bear in mind what else The Daily Caller noted:

Though Hina bought a round trip ticket with a return in six months, the FBI said it “does not believe that Alvi has any intention to return to the United States.”

Alvi, who also worked for House Democrats including Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has also been indicted. If she misses her arraignment — a date has not been set — she would formally become a fugitive.

Don’t worry; Gowen seemed to think that his request would be granted by the judge, in spite of Awan’s flight risk and the obvious parallels to the flight of his wife.  Nothing to see here folks, move along.

It gets even worse, when you look at another request Gowen made:

He also asked for other restrictions on his movement to be lifted, saying he has been driving for Uber, but the company had no record of any driver matching several variations of Imran’s name.

You would think a Clinton-sponsored lawyer would come up with a better excuse to help Awan shuttle himself out of the country.  Then again, there might actually not be any other “better” excuses for him to use, given the hole Awan appears to have dug for himself.


And still, Buzzfeed (an outlet Free Market Shooter loves to hate) went out of its way to defend Awan even after he tried to flee the country, citing Gowen’s own statements as fact…

“They’re trying to make it out to be like these guys were the top secret computer people. They were literally the guys who installed Word and Excel on your computer, set up your email on your computer.

…as Gowen tried to make the public believe that Awan was paid millions to set up email and Microsoft Office:

The Awans billed Congress for more than $4 million between 2004 and 2016, a sum that has been reported to be three or four times higher than the norm for government contractor IT specialists performing similar work. The considerable level of overbilling has not been explained by the congressmen involved.

Yup, Buzzfeed and Gowen want you to believe that the Awans are your run of the mill congressional IT staffers who merely “set up” email for Democratic members of Congress, ignoring their high pay and the sensitive work of those who employ them.  The absurdity of Gowen’s statements is only exceeded by his audacious request of the court for Awan to be unimpeded from escaping to Pakistan.

It certainly feels as though the Awan case is going to be heading somewhere; his wife is set to become a fugitive, and the government is lining up a host of charges against the family, presumably in an effort to get the Awans to flip on Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  But when will we know when the Awan story has really come to a head?

When Trump starts publicly speaking about it.