Superficial Justice – How Jeffrey Epstein’s Inevitable Easy Treatment Is Really Just A Shot At Trump
Former Democrat financier Jeffrey Epstein was recently arrested (on a Saturday night, no less) and charged (again) with sexual trafficking of minors. Having long been suspected of illicit behavior since well before (and after) his first conviction in 2008, Epstein’s alleged behavior and light sentence was nonetheless met with surprise by many who are exclusively spoon-fed by the mainstream media.
Still, in 2006, Fox News exposed the connections between Epstein and former President Bill Clinton in relation to his slap on the wrist sentence:
Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton’s controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, has learned.
A investigation in May showed the former president was a frequent flier on Epstein’s infamous jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.
Flight logs obtained exclusively by show the former president taking at least 26 trips around the world aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.
Bill has attempted to distance himself from Epstein, claiming he took just “four trips” on Epstein’s plane, even though flight logs plainly demonstrate this is an obvious lie. But he’s hardly the only one – Wikipedia editors (possibly working for the Clinton Foundation) have been caught trying to minimize the Clinton-Epstein connection:
Seems Wikipedia has altered Epstein’s bio already. First screenshot of Epstein’s bio was at 8:27 a.m. The 2nd was at 10:30 a.m. omitting Bill Clinton & Spacy yet leaving Trump! That is frightening. Same exact bio of Epstein, different times.
— Desiree Mills (Dez) (@Blondiedez) July 7, 2019
However, the timing of Epstein’s arrest begs the question – if authorities knew about him for decades, why is this going down now? And the answer is to look no further than Trump administration Labor Secretary Alex Acosta.
Acosta is part of the reason Epstein skated in 2008 – in addition to Bill Clinton and the many other character witnesses who vouched for Epstein, Acosta brokered the plea deal which saw him serve just 13 months in prison for soliciting prostitution from a 14 year old girl. The heavily-liberal SDNY, Preet Bharara‘s former playground and now anti-Trump stronghold, has decided to bring a new case now, using the backdrop of an “unsealed” indictment to charge Epstein.
After ignoring Epstein’s conduct occurring in their backyard for decades, does anyone really believe that the SDNY all of a sudden decided to bring justice for Epstein’s many victims?
Acosta obviously shouldn’t skate for his role in Epstein’s wrist slap, and probably shouldn’t have been hired by Trump in the first place, given his role in the affair. But if the mainstream media didn’t care about it a decade ago, why do they care about it now?
As with all things in the mainstream media today… it’s all about being anti-Trump, of course. CBS News has already labeled Acosta as “public enemy no.2” (behind Trump, obviously)…
CBS News legal analyst Rikki Klieman called the 2008 plea deal “appalling.” “You have a sex trafficking indictment with multiple victims, it goes away, and the victims are never informed about it,” Klieman said, adding “Why would you do that? Well, because it was really a terrible, terrible plea deal.”
And Fake News CNN‘s entire “Opinion” section on the matter has nothing to do with how or why Epstein was able to get away with sexually assaulting underage girls for decades – nope, it’s all about why “Trump should dump Acosta”:
Thanks in part to investigative reporting by The Miami Herald, Acosta is now under scrutiny for his handling of Epstein’s case, and he could be summoned to testify before Congress. But with or without a congressional hearing, one thing is clear: Acosta must face the consequences of arranging such an improper agreement. He should step down as labor secretary.
Meanwhile, the media is desperate to connect Epstein to Trump. They were indeed a pair of NYC billionaires who used to be buddy-buddy with each other, and the MSM keeps harping a 2002 quote from Trump praising Epstein…
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.
…but they neglect to mention that not only did Trump ban Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago club, he was allegedly the only person to assist prosecutors in their push for justice against Epstein:
A lawyer for one of Epstein’s victims says the only high powered person who helped them in 2009 as they began their pursuit for justice was President @realDonaldTrump. He talks about it at the 5:30 mark in this video.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) July 7, 2019
And on the campaign trail in 2015, Trump associated Epstein with the “Lolita Express” trips Clinton is alleged to have gone on with Epstein on 26 occasions:
This is all consistent with Trump’s recent commentary, where he stated that he had a “falling out” with Epstein and “was not a fan of his”:
But of course, the media will make it all about Trump’s “connection” with Epstein, ignoring Epstein’s heavy ties with the Clintons and the DNC, while SDNY will look to drag Acosta into the courtroom proceedings and force his ouster from the Trump administration. Go figure.
As for the SDNY itself, it has basically morphed into an activist anti-Trump prosecutorial office. The district not only “bungled” the Harvey Weinstein case, allowing him to escape justice, they jailed Manafort in an attempt to get him to “flip” on Trump – all while enabling his far guiltier co-conspirator and Clinton crony Tony Podesta to escape without prosecution.
And who is on the team of prosecutors in the case? None other than Maurene Comey, James Comey‘s daughter:
Maurene Comey, daughter of fired FBI Director James Comey, is reportedly one of the prosecutors in the Jeffrey Epstein case.
Comey has been serving as an assistant US attorney in the Southern District of New York since 2015.
If Maurene Comey was so interested in justice for Epstein, why has the SDNY waited until now? And given their track record, Epstein’s connections to the Clintons, and Maurene Comey’s virulent anti-Trump positions, does anyone really believe she isn’t more concerned with going after Trump than Epstein?
7) Make no mistake about it, Epstein is going to get away with a(nother) slap on the wrist.
The powers that be can't (or won't) risk him yapping too much.
And the judiciary is infested with bureaucrats who will make sure to cover for him and those he might implicate.
— FMShooter (@fmshooter) July 8, 2019

It is akin to sacrificing a pawn for a rook in chess. Epstein, who holds little value to the DNC or Clintons anymore, is being “sacrificed” by the SDNY in an attempt to take down Acosta and implicate Acosta and Trump in Epstein’s wrongdoing.
And Epstein, like Harvey Weinstein before him, presumably has tons of DNC dirt to dish, and there are those in the party (like the Comeys) who will put politics above justice. Though the media turn on Epstein has been heavy, and the evidence seems overwhelming, it would not be surprising at all to see Epstein “negotiate” a lenient sentence. Even if they throw the book at him, he could easily be set free shortly thereafter on a technicality, and no one should put it past the SDNY to behave in this manner.
For the record, nothing would make me happier than to eat my words and be totally wrong about this. I would be thrilled to see Epstein spend the rest of his life behind bars for his actions. However, it is important to be realistic about what will happen to Epstein, instead of setting oneself up for disappointment when yet another sexual predator is set free with an extremely light sentence.
One major positive from the Epstein affair is that it has shown public intolerance for powerful people to abuse their position to prey on women, especially young girls. The tide of public opinion is turning against pederasty and abuse…
…and if our politicized justice system lets Epstein off with a wrist slap, light sentence, or early prison release, it will further shine the light on the judiciary’s activist positions on crime and justice. The #MeToo movement, in spite of its many failures, has demonstrated that the American public will not stand by and allow sex criminals to get off scot-free – no matter how rich or powerful those perpetrators are.
Update: After this article was posted, Brett MacDonald suggested to FMShooter that we use Twitter’s search function to see how many verified accounts had railed about Alex Acosta’s involvement in Jeffrey Epstein’s sweetheart plea deal. Lo and behold…
Any date string in the filter, the result is still the same.
Blue checks never cared about justice for Epstein, or Acosta's role in it.
They only started caring when he got a job in the Trump Administration.
This isn't justice for victims. It's Trump Derangement Syndrome.
— FMShooter (@fmshooter) July 10, 2019
A simple Twitter search has all but proven FMShooter’s point as fact – mainstream media literally made no noise about Acosta, until Trump nominated him for Labor Secretary.
This case isn’t about justice. As with all things in the mainstream media today… it’s all about Trump. Don’t be surprised to see Epstein attempt to implicate Acosta and/or Trump in his soon-to-be-announced plea deal.